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What we think isn’t Greatness what we practice is Greatness;

Learn from every moment because life never stops teaching.


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A man once called for his four sons and sent each of them to go and look at pear tree that was miles away from their home. 1) One son goes to that tree in winter season. 2) The second in spring. 3) The third in summer. 4) And the youngest son goes in autumn. After a year passed father asked four sons. If they visited the tree and could describe to him what they have seen, 1) The first son said tree was ugly, bent, twisted, 2) Second son said are you kidding. The tree was covered with fresh green buds, 3) Disagreeing from two brothers the third son said it was full of blossom that smell so sweat. It is the most beautiful thing i had ever seen in my life, 4) Last son said they are all wrong dad. The tree was ripe and drooping with fruit It was so full of life. Dad explained to his sons they were all correct each of them had seen only one season in life of tree and then they taught them a lesson that you cannot judge a tree or a person by only one season or by o...


1. A guy came and was grumbling about the problems, difficulties that he was going through, his relationship were in a deep mess, nobody was trying to understand him. Everything was going wrong and he had done nothing. 2. All through conversation he was asking that why this happening to me. Do what you can do to sort it out , If  its your fault, correct it, if its someone else's fault and that person is with in your access discuss with him communicate to them. 3. Often what we go through is neither our fault nor of someone. For example; A serious disease that we go through. we didn't do anything wrong to get it and nobody else did anything wrong to have us get it.  4. So how to deal with it. here what we do. A little boy once came running to his mother and asked her, What are you doing , mom ?. She replied, "I am making beautiful embroidered design on this nice cloth. little boy looked up to the cloth and said, A design? all I can see is just some colored threads yel...


Translator: Viviane P.Reviewer: Amanda Chu A few years ago, I began to observesomething in my own behavior that made me a bit uncomfortable. And that was that from the momentthat I woke up to the end of the day, my life was a series of screens. I started the day with the thing that woke me upfirst thing in the morning, my phone, and so I sat there in bed watchingvarious cooking videos on Instagram and bouncing around between a bunchof different applications. But then it was timeto get out of bed and cook breakfast, and so the thing that I focused then on, in addition to the omelette in the pan, was the iPad that wasright next to the oven.  And then it was time to do some work, and so I went to a different screen which was attachedto another screen itself. All the while, this little devil on my wrist was tapping and beepingand blooping and distracting me as I was tryingto get important stuff done. But there was one particular offenderout of all of these different devices that I...